
Violations of compliance with the Code of Conduct and Ethics
CERTINT es una organización estructurada sobre sólidos valores, los cuales constituyen la base que regula su Código de Conducta y Ética.
If any worker is interested in making an anonymous complaint, they must proceed by following the protocol established to report any act that could constitute a violation of compliance with the Code of Conduct and Ethics of the auditing firm or that could be presumed as a violation.
In this sense, workers can report violations or suspected violations using the “Compliance Violations Report” format through one of the following methods:
  • If you prefer to do so anonymously by email to the following address: compliance@
  • In person before the General Manager who performs the functions of compliance officer.

Any worker who needs more information on the policies and procedures related to our Code of Conduct and Ethics that encourages them to file their complaints of compliance violations may do so directly with the compliance officer.